IMBEO, Ilkay Özkisaoglu, Owner, IMBEO, said: “I participate as an EIIF (European Industrial Insulation Foundation) Member and EIIF Ambassador in this campaign, because I believe there are still huge opportunities to reduce emissions in the process and manufacturing industries.”

Ingka Group / IKEA Retail: Jesper Brodin, CEO, Ingka Group / IKEA, said: “The time for talk is over. We need to act, and we need to act now to accelerate climate action and limit global warming to below 1.5°C. IKEA is committed to become climate positive by 2030 and we ask governments to do the same. Stepping up their ambition and increasing the EU’s GHG emission reduction target for 2030 is essential in order to ensure a future that is climate neutral.”
Inter IKEA Group: Jon Abrahamsson Ring, CEO, Inter IKEA Group, said: “We all need to contribute to limit global warming to 1.5°C. We ask governments to step up their actions to drastically reduce the EU’s GHG emissions by 2030. In the current COVID-19 crisis, it is more important than ever that sustainable living is made affordable to the many people. It cannot be a luxury for the few. IKEA is committed to lead by example together with partners and enable a sustainable and more affordable tomorrow.”
Interface: Nigel Stansfield, President, Interface, EAAA (Europe, Africa, Australia, Asia), said: “A green recovery powered by businesses and governments alike will be needed to rebuild the economy as we exit the global pandemic. At Interface we have made a pledge to be carbon negative by 2040 and committed to use carbon as a regenerative resource. Through setting ambitious goals and challenging everyone to do more good, and going beyond mere mitigation, business and society can drive a more impactful climate policy in Europe.”
Intrepid Travel: James Thornton, CEO, Intrepid Travel said: “Setting science-based targets is widely considered the most effective way for companies to take significant climate action, and we’re proud to be building our business towards a 1.5°C future. Our hope is that we can use this as a rallying cry to the entire industry that climate action needs to be a critical priority in travel’s post-COVID recovery."
Iren S.p.A. – Massimiliano Bianco, CEO, Iren S.p.A, said: “In the recovery of the European economy, the convergence of objectives between politics and industry for an energy and environmental transition capable of reducing GHG emissions will be crucial. We need goals that will once again offer our continent the opportunity to show leadership skills and a long-term future vision for the prosperity of communities and the planet.”
ISOLFIN: Cristian Bortolotti, COO, ISOLFIN said: “The Industrial Revolution 4.0 is not only about technology, but about knowledge and values, this means we must put action first and excuses never. 75% of EU CO2 is created due to energy demand & production, at the same time there are untapped opportunities and huge potentials in energy efficiency improvements when existing technologies are used to their full potential. Europeans, EU economy and the world needs smart and prompt decision. Let's take advantage of digital and green energy transition.”
Iskraemeco: Luis Goncalves, CEO, Iskraemeco, said: “The Industrial Revolution 4.0 is not only about technology, but about knowledge and values, this means we must put action first. 75% of EU CO2 is created due to energy demand & production. At the same time, there are untapped opportunities and huge possibilities in energy efficiency improvements when existing technologies are used to their full potential. Europeans, the EU economy and the world needs smart and prompt decision. Let's take advantage of the digital and green energy transition.”
More Quotes on Climate:
Isoltechnics: Yves Desmet, CEO, Isoltechnics, said: “In addition to our day-to-day efforts to insulate of pipes and vessels to reach the EU emissions reduction target, Isoltechnics will have achieved UN Sustainability Certification for our 3 year long effort to become more sustainable.”
JLL: Guy Grainger, EMEA CEO, JLL, said: “Even during these challenging times corporate commitments to climate action have remained strong. Businesses are ready to help deliver the new more ambitious target of a 55% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030, and accelerate their activity and investment in environmental sustainability. But this commitment must be matched by individual EU member states, who can show they will do what it takes to help businesses play their part, by supporting the new target.”
JSC Lithuanian Railways: Mantas Bartuška, CEO, JSC Lithuanian Railways, said: “There is no better day to commit to the European Green Deal than today. We cannot secure our prosperous future with actions only “in the near future”, we need to start acting now. Lithuanian Railways are fully committed to EU GHG emissions reduction targets for 2030 and we are starting our actions today – launching further electrification projects which will triple the length of our electrified railway lines and secure green and economically viable means of transportation for cargo and passengers by 2024.”
Kaimann GmbH: Schmolck, CEO, Kaimann GmbH said: “Every choice we make has an impact. Kaimann is committed to developing and providing solutions that protect our planet and the people living on it.”
Keolis: Marie-Angee Debon, CEO, Keolis, said: “A global leader in shared mobility, Keolis partners with regions and communities of all sizes to harness the potential of their public transport networks as a source of attractiveness, vitality of their regions while reducing carbon emissions. A world leader in operating automated metro and tramway systems, Keolis relies on a sustained and open innovation policy alongside its partners and subsidiaries to develop new, innovative shared mobility solutions, tailored to each city or region.”
Kieback & Peter GmbH, Christoph Ritzkat, Chairman of the Board, Kieback & Peter GmbH & Co. KG said: "We digitalize buildings for a better world by using smart building technology and data-based services for digital solutions in harmony with people and the environment. Our values are rooted in the principles of reliable partnership and sustainability."
Knauf Insulation: Jean-Claude Carlin, Member of the Knauf Group Management Committee Insulation Europe / Middle East / Asia, Knauf Insulation, said: “The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of community, solidarity and what really brings us together — caring for one another. We need to capitalize on this positivity and sense of common cause and accelerate an ambitious green recovery driven by an uncompromising desire to tackle climate change. This recovery must dedicate significant resource to renovation recovery programmes across the continent. If post-COVID-19 financial packages are not focused on transforming our buildings, we will miss a once-in-a-generation opportunity.”
Kuehne+Nagel International AG: Detlef Trefzger, Chief Executive Officer, Kuehne+Nagel International AG said: “We at Kuehne+Nagel address CO2 reduction in all of our transport and logistics services worldwide. Through our Net Zero Carbon programme, we have two distinct elements to reach our targets: Being fully carbon neutral in our direct sphere of influence as of 2020 (Scope 1 and 2 of GHG Protocol) and achieving carbon neutrality for our suppliers’ and customers’ footprint by 2030 – airlines, shipping lines and haulage companies (Scope 3).”
LeasePlan: Tex Gunning, CEO, LeasePlan, said: ““The COVID-19 crisis has shown us how unthinkable – yet inevitable – events can change the world overnight. The same will happen when it comes to human-made climate change. Unless we act now, we will sleepwalk into the next inevitable catastrophe. That is why we are calling on EU policymakers to raise the 2030 greenhouse gas emissions reduction target to at least 55%. We need to act urgently to remove every roadblock stopping the transition to zero emissions, and governments around the world must significantly increase their investments into a comprehensive network of publicly available charging stations, while also incentivizing the installation of private charging in offices and homes. This would be good for drivers, good for our air quality, and good for the planet.”
LEGRAND, Benoit COQUART, CEO, LEGRAND: "As a company already committed to limit global temperature rise to 1.5°C and to support its customers to do so through its electrical and digital solutions, Legrand fully supports the EU new targets. All economical actors must take the same path together. It is a necessary condition to succeed."
L'Oréal Group, Jean-Paul Agon, Chairman and CEO, L'Oréal Group said: “Today, our societies are facing unprecedented social and economic crises, giving rise to situations of great human suffering. This must not eclipse the need for strong environmental commitments and action. Collectively, we must accelerate our efforts to build a more sustainable future. This requires new, bold measures to fight climate change and prevent the erosion of biodiversity, which both profoundly threaten to shake our lives, our societies, and our economies.”